Henry VI Part 2

18 September 2021


Watch the play reading

Each reading is brought to life by a company of artists for your enjoyment.

This recording commences partway into Act III Scene i and runs until the end of the play.

Readings are recorded and released for non-commercial purposes under Creative Commons (BY SA NC) licenses


directed by Sarah Guillot

“In presenting Henry VI Part 2 for an audience, there is the challenge that many of the audience may not be aware of what has come before – not just in Part 1, but all the way back to Richard II. The other challenge with this play is that it doesn’t have a clear protagonist, rather it focuses on significant characters in waves.”


Georgina Teakle: King Henry VI

Elizabeth Willow: Queen Margaret, Queen to King Henry

Nichola Renton: Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York

Grant Malcolm: Earl of Warwick

Ron Arthurs: Earl of Salisbury

Celia Andrews: Cardinal Winchester and Lord Clifford

Jeff Watkins: Duke of Somerset

William Everett-Knight: Duke of Suffolk

Jessica Messenger: Duke of Buckingham

Garry T. Saunders: Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester

Genevieve Moran: Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester

Izabella Day: Edward (young)/Richard (young) and ensemble

Kailea Porter: Margaret Jourdain and ensemble

Sharon Malcolm: Jack Cade and ensemble

Beck Thorman: John Hume and ensemble

Andrew Shugg: Walter Whitmore and ensemble